No. of rooms: 1+kk
Area: 36.8m2
Net flat area: 35.92m2
Balcony area: 7.04m2
Availability: Sold
A non-binding pre-reservation of a specific unit is possible for 5 calendar days.
Balconies, loggias, terraces and green terraces (gardens) are in every case common areas in the exclusive use of the owner of the respective unit.
The above unit prices do not include the price of parking spaces. The purchase of parking spaces for the units is not mandatory. Please contact our sales staff for more information on parking prices.
(A) – An atelier (studio) is an inhabitable unit labelled with (A) which has the same layout and standard equipment as conventional flat from our offer. However, due to non-compliance of one of the legal norms, e.g. amount of direct sunlight, level of noise or simply functional use of the site in the zoning plan, it cannot be advertised and sold as an ordinary flat. Nevertheless, a purchaser can use mortgage for financing of a studio with similar parameters like in case of a regular flat. Purchase of studio is subject to VAT of 21 %.
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